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labwork 2 x Carburetor Rebuilt Kit Replacement for Kawasaki Brute Force 650 KVF650D E G F 4x4 4x4i Prairie 650 KVF650 Prairie 700 KVF700
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Replacement for Kawasaki Brute Force 650 KVF650E 4x4 2009
Replacement for Kawasaki Brute Force 650 KVF650G 4x4i 2008-2009
Replacement for Kawasaki Brute Force 650 KVF650D 4x4 2007-2008
Replacement for Kawasaki Brute Force 650 KVF650F 4x4i 2008-2009
Replacement for Kawasaki Brute Force 650 KVF650E 4x4 2007
Replacement for Kawasaki Brute Force 650 KVF650F 4x4i 2006-2007
Replacement for Kawasaki Brute Force 650 KVF650G 4x4i 2006-2007
Replacement for Kawasaki Brute Force 650 KVF650H 4x4i 2007-2008
Replacement for Kawasaki Brute Force 650 KVF650D 4x4 2005-2006
Replacement for Kawasaki Brute Force 650 KVF650E 4x4 2005-2006
Replacement for Kawasaki Prairie 650 KVF650A 4x4 2002-2003
Replacement for Kawasaki Prairie 650 KVF650B 2003
Replacement for Kawasaki Prairie 700 KVF700D 4x4 Team Green 2005-2006
Replacement for Kawasaki Prairie 700 KVF700B 4x4 2004-2005
Replacement part number:
15003-0007 15003-1755
Kit pictured is what you will receive, everything you need to rebuild 2 carburetors
Easy to install and reliable to use, professional installation is recommended
Please confirm your old part number matches up with one of the part numbers listed above
If you have any problems with the products you received, please contact us in time
To ensure a faster and secure delivery, we choose FedEx, USPS, UPS, DHL Ground/Air shipping service. Available shipping methods are vary from different type of products and delivery destination. The majority in stock products and orders are going to be shipped the same day or within 1 business day. After which its delivery details can be tracked with the tracking number we email you. For custom or made to order products’ shipping time varies as they may have to be manufactured, painted, embroidered or assembled.
For more information, please check the following tips:
- Oversized products must ship by truck freight or LTL which is different from other ground shipping methods. Please noted that oversized products are required inspections and a signature service. Freight Shipping Information
- We offer free shipping service for 47 sates in domestics. HI, PR, AK, Guam, Virgin Islands, APOs are excluded from free shipping areas. You will be charged extra shipping fee for orders’ destinations that are not 47 free shipping states.
- "Free Shipping" applies only to orders shipped within the continental United States.
In order to provide all our valued customers with the most up to date and accurate compatibility information, LABWORKAUTO is continuously implementing real-time updates to our line store. Due to the immediate nature of these updates, the correction of any errors or omissions might happen at any time without prior notice. This information may include but not limited to pricing, availability, suggested use, fitment, compatibility and warranties. LABWORKAUTO is not responsible for any additional labor cost, charge, loss or damage incurred as a result of correct or incorrect information, reference or products purchase from LABWORKAUTO. While we are working to avoid any errors or omissions that may appear on LABWORKAUTO website, we reserve the rights to cancel any undeliverable orders based on inaccurate information.
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If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will be happy to accept a return for a refund or exchange on products in new/unused condition within 30 days of delivery. All authorized returns must be unused and in their original condition, including all items and components that were included in the original package. Items being returned must not have been disassembled, mounted, modified, or damaged due to incorrect installation or user error. LABWORKAUTO.com will not be held responsible for installation or labor expenses, towing expenses, additional repair expenses, or rental car expenses caused by the use of wrong or defective parts during installation.We provide a limited warranty of 90 days for defective products from the date the product is received by the original purchaser or installer, unless otherwise specified at the time of purchase.
For each of our product warranties offered above, the following provisions apply:
The warranty is limited only to the original purchaser and is non-transferable.
Under NO circumstances will our liability exceed the amount of the original sale.
Each warranty does not cover any labor costs or incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages such as, but not limited to, physical injuries or property damage, loss of time, loss of use of the vehicle, inconvenience, air freight charges, rental vehicle charges, towing charges or accommodations resulting from a defect in or failure of the part.
A prepaid shipping label will be issued for all returns due to warranty claim.
The warranty does not cover lost or stolen packages. Because the customer is the shipper, he/she is the only one who can file any lost claim with the shipping company. Therefore, the claim must be coordinated and processed through the shipping company by the customer.